Musical and Animated Milestone Birthday Cards. On this page you can find a variety of 80th bday cards; choose from our unique collection of comic style birthday cards with humorous images and funny messages. All Free birthday cartoons & postcards to send to friends and family to Brighten their day and raise a smile.
[upg-list album = “80th-plus-birthday-card”]
(Appealing things to say when send ecards text messages, sms, facebook,
bebo & myspace messages and blogs)
Congratulations on turning 20 for the fourth time.
~ Author Unknown
You’re 80 and beginning to feel old
But if I may just be so bold
Remind you that life is for living
And to hell with your age
You can carry on fibbing
Funny ageing poem by ~ Helen Finnerty (copyright 28th October 2011)
OMG your 80 now
It’s time to celebrate
A special and precious milestone
Of someone who’s just great…
Have a Wonderful 80th(copyright 28th October 2011)
Age poem by ~ Helen Finnerty (copyright 28th October 2011)
If you had known you were going to live this long, I guess you would have taken better care of yourself.
Quote by ~ Author Unknown
It’s your 80th birthday
And you feel old
But age is just a number
Or so we are told
So get a grip
And have lots of fun
For life’s for living
When all’s said and done
80th poem by ~ Helen Finnerty (copyright 28th October 2011
First you forget names; then you forget faces; then you forget to zip up your fly; and then you forget to unzip your fly.
Quote by ~ Branch Rickey
May all the precious moments
That set this day apart
Stay with you long after
As keepsakes of the heart
And often through the future
May you relive in thought
The very many pleasures
Your 80th birthday has brought
by ~ Unknown Author
You’re not 80, you’re eighteen with 62 years experience.
~ Author Unknown
So you’re turning 80
Well you had better not despair
Instead put on your dancing shoes
And throw shapes like Fred Astaire
Age poem by ~ Helen Finnerty (copyright 28th October 2011)
They say that age is all in your mind. The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body.
Quote by ~ Unknown Author
Your skin may sag and the bones may creak
But turning 80 isn’t all bleak
Your brain’s still sharp
And you’ve lots to say
And we’ll love you lots
Come whatever birthday
Funny Age 80 poem by ~ Helen Finnerty (copyright Oct 2011)
You still have a full deck; you just shuffle slower now.
Quote by ~ Unknown Author
I’m 80 I hear you sigh
All those *bleep*ing years
Have just flown by
But make the most of
what you’ve got
Cause at the end of the day
You’re still really Hot
Funny ageing poem by ~ Helen Finnerty (copyright October 2011)
Youth is a work of nature while age is a work of art.
Quote by ~ Unknown Author